My objectives as a missionary are rooted in (Isaiah 40:3-5), (Acts 20:24) and (Matthew 11:12).
Jesus killed death. My mission is to take His Resurrection Life where things are dead and make them live again. I aim to take back what the enemy thought was his & give back to Jesus what He paid for, bringing the Good News to people and places where bad news has been the norm. I unashamedly believe that the Gospel answers EVERYTHING.
I partner with others to make mature disciples who effectively engage and change the culture. I teach soft & hard life skills and a Christian worldview aimed at abundant living and pioneer sustainable projects through the marriage of ministry & business, leaving legacies that outlive me. I believe God to take nations and generations for Him through the teaching of the Word and a demonstration of His love and power.
I have been called to serve high risk populations: those struggling with addiction, women and children affected by domestic violence and trafficking, prisoners, children and youth suffering from abuse or neglect and unreached people groups. I seek to establish Discipleship Homes that facilitate community, healing, recovery, sound teaching & successful transition into independent living.
My initial project is the establishment and operation of the Wind River Refuge Discipleship Home which serves women and children who are victims of domestic violence & trafficking on the Wind River Indian Reservation in Wyoming. I will be working on this project under the umbrella and direction of Foundations for Nations Ministries (FFN), a dynamic ministry led by Sarah and Jason Lucas. The Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone people on the Wind River Indian Reservation are considered the only unreached people group in the United States. Four in five women on the reservation experience domestic violence, ten times the national average, and the homicide rate for women on the reservation is also ten times the national average. Ninety to ninety five percent of all women and girls on the reservation have been sexually abused along with seventy percent of all boys. Seventy five percent of all homes on the reservation are in addiction and studies show that children on the reservation are testing with rates of PTSD equal to soldiers returning from war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Unemployment is hovering around eighty percent and life expectancy on the reservation is only 49 years old.
If these issues and my vision to bring Christ into them provokes a response in your heart, please pray about partnering with me financially and in prayer to get out into the harvest field and take ground for the Kingdom of God.
Ministry No. F1263
Program Countries: USA
Focuses: Addiction, Rehabilitation, Children's Ministry, Construction & Infrastructure, Domestic Violence, Discipleship, Evangelism, Leadership Development, Missionary/Missions Training, Women's Ministry, Youth Ministry, Poverty Relief, Church
Team Lead: Desiree Henderson
Phone: (989) 285-6647
Call our donations department toll free 1-855-573-8483 or local 1-719-428-3965
Office hours are 9am – 5pm (MST) Monday to Friday. (Office is closed on stat holidays)
Email – Please do not send credit card numbers via email.
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Since 2014, Friends of the Great Commission has enabled ministry partners to thrive by providing charity admin expertise and guidance while promoting collaboration in fulfilling the Great Commission.