About This Partner

Encouraging leadership as Jesus intends” through our Authentic Leadership—Living in Newness of Life” globally acclaimed leadership seminars focusing on: The basics of the Christian faith, redefining Christian leadership, and building Christian community.

Why, when we have so many churches, Christian ministries, educational institutions, literature, arts, and media, do we seem to be losing Christian influence on the culture of our global generation?

If “leadership is influence,” then the question for each child of God is, “Whose influence is flowing through me?” If God is not the source of our influence, then everything done, no matter how good it looks to current culture, will not have eternal significance and purpose. “But Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers in this world lord it over their people, and officials flaunt their authority over those under them. But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be great among you must be your servant. Matthew 20:25-26

 The Authentic Leadership seminars focus on:

The basics of the Christian faith—how our relationship with God, lost in Eden, is restored giving us the identity of being His child.

Redefining authentic Christian leadership--the eternal influence of the Holy Spirit flowing through each child of God (“a chosen generation, a royal priesthood) and the Holy Spirit producing the results.

Building Christian community—every child of God is intrinsically valuable, necessary, and responsible for empowering each other in God’s Kingdom. I Corinthians 12:12-27

Why give to this partner?

Here's what people are saying about their experience with Equip Leadership Canada, and why you should you consider giving to their ministry.

“I did not expect this seminar to give me so many insights, motivation, and healing. I thought it would be the same as always—water instead of meat. It was so profound that I thought: “How great it would be if other believers could here this”—in our context ministry is higher than our relationship with God, which is why there is constant burnout and failure. I have a bachelor’s degree in theology, and I’m doing a master’s degree, but without any flattery and pretense, I can say that I consider this seminar to be more significant that anything that I have studied.”  Participant, Central Asia.

 “ELC came to Azores to teach us but, surprisingly, you didn’t expect us to buy your product or to join your club. Not at all! I didn’t see any posture of superiority. You came to serve us, to have a conversation with us, allowing the Holy Spirit to work in us and through us. It is not common to attend a seminar on Christian leadership where you do not receive a to-do list.” Participant, The Azores

FGC #F915

Program Countries: Global

Focuses: Christian Education, Leadership Development, Apologetics

Team Lead: Mark Middleton

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