About This Partner


Vision: To see churches help missionaries flourish.

” But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at last your care for me has flourished again; though you surely did care, but you lacked opportunity”                                              Philippians 4:10 NKJV

A strong, healthy church resulted in the flourishing of the greatest missionary of all time, the Apostle Paul. Paul was, rejoicing in the LORD!

In our ministry we also want to take every opportunity to care for missionaries and to engage sending churches to care for their sent ones, so that their Gospel ministry can flourish!

Missionaries may leave with a wonderful zeal, but without the support and preparation from a healthy sending church, they will ultimately struggle and may even leave the field much too early.

Our ministries:

  • Word based preparation for missionaries serving around the world.

  • Care delivered through a lens of over 25 years of cross-cultural mission experience.

  • Equipping for local churches and leaders to help them to offer effective care to their sent ones.


The missionaries we train, and care for, on the field, are taking the Gospel to the nations.  Increasingly, we get to do this right here, in the US, where we live.  We delight in serving in the local church, to welcome those who have recently arrived in the US – often as refugees fleeing war or persecution.  What an opportunity to share the Gospel and point those from different backgrounds to hope in the Lord Jesus.  Our prayer is that people from all nations will flourish, not in a more prosperous, or even a more peaceful life, but in finding the Savior!

Harry and Wendy are involved in missionary preparation and care, travelling extensively to speak at missionary retreats, also offering field-based care in different parts of the world.  Harry loves sharing God’s Word with missionaries; and our prayer is that they will serve out of a place of a strong trust in God’s power working in and through them.

Why give to this partner?

Ways you can Help

  1. Pray for our ministry – for God to be glorified as His servants are built up

  2. Support us financially – Our desire is to help others flourish in their gospel ministries.

FGC #F1468

Program Countries: Global

Focuses: Spiritual Direction, Leadership Development, Missionary/Missions Training, Refugee Ministry, Evangelism, Discipleship

Team Lead: Harry & Wendy Robinson

Click here for information on giving by cheque or pre-authorized debit

Need to update your contact or giving information?

Call our donations department toll free 1-855-573-8483 or local 1-719-428-3965

Office hours are 9am – 5pm (MST) Monday to Friday. (Office is closed on stat holidays)

Email donations@friendsgc.com – Please do not send credit card numbers via email.

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Since 2014, Friends of the Great Commission has enabled ministry partners to thrive by providing charity admin expertise and guidance while promoting collaboration in fulfilling the Great Commission.

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