Glorify Christ Church (GCC) brings together the youth, young adults, and their adult friends and family, to glorify God through praise, worship, biblically based teaching, and wholesome group activities (each worship night ends with a community "barn dance"). GCC is led by young adult leaders, which is part of the cause and purpose of the church: giving youth and young adults the opportunity to learn how to organize and lead following biblical principles, all the while being overseen by an adult Board of Directors.
The first challenge is what prompted GCC to form in the first place. GCC began during COVID, mainly in response to many churches deciding not to gather in-person. The youth and young adults wanted to provide a safe and wholesome environment in which to meet, experience community, and worship God. Meeting together began as monthly worship nights, growing through personal invitations to friends and family. The initial meeting had around 50 in attendance and has since grown to have a consistent turnout of approximately 150 to 200.
The growth has been wonderful, but with it comes certain challenges like administration, facility expenses, and providing a more balanced level of workload for worship team members, speakers, etc.. Another challenge on the horizon is how best to accommodate the continued growth, which means adding more worship nights and a separate service geared more towards those 18 and older.
GCC is responding to these challenges by adding a service geared for those 18 and older. As a result, more worship and teaching leaders are being cultivated. This is a process, as GCC wants morally and biblically grounded people in leadership positions. Even with the help and guidance from the Board, this process takes time and is something that can't be rushed.
Along with growth comes greater financial burdens, so fund-raising, volunteer assistance, and everything that comes with that are ongoing challenges and areas of unique need where help from the greater body is needed. Youth and young adults typically aren't able or well versed in tithing, so developing support from people and organizations outside of the immediate body are also a unique need and ongoing challenge.
GCC needs help financially to cover costs related to the facility use on worship nights, providing replacement or upgraded equipment for the worship team and in particular, a very specific need for a large screen TV on which lyrics for worship songs can be clearly displayed.
Ministry No. F1390
Program Countries: USA
Focuses: Camp Ministry, Community Development, Education, Evangelism, Poverty Relief, Youth Ministry, Young Adults Ministry, Youth Programs
Team Lead: Joe Kopriva
Team Members: Michelle Kopriva
Call our donations department toll free 1-855-573-8483 or local 1-719-428-3965
Office hours are 9am – 5pm (MST) Monday to Friday. (Office is closed on stat holidays)
Email – Please do not send credit card numbers via email.
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Since 2014, Friends of the Great Commission has enabled ministry partners to thrive by providing charity admin expertise and guidance while promoting collaboration in fulfilling the Great Commission.