Lifewater Canada was founded in 1997 to address the tragic fact that someone – usually a child – is dying every 20 seconds from diarrheal diseases caused by contaminated water and poor sanitation. Those who survive while drinking dirty water are still plagued by sickness that can make it impossible for children to attend school and impossible for adults to work and provide for their families. In this way, contaminated water locks people into an endless cycle of poor health and poverty.
When there are no safe sources nearby, people must walk long distances for water. Girls and women are disproportionately impacted because they do most of the water-fetching in the developing world. Carrying heavy jugs or buckets daily causes potentially life-long neck and back problems. It puts them at risk of assault, rape, and even death as they walk isolated trails to the water. It also prevents girls from consistently being in school, leading to high drop-out rates and more poverty.
Through Lifewater, you can transform lives and communities by:
Drilling new water wells
Rehabilitating dormant wells
Repairing or replacing broken hand pumps on wells
Installing rainwater catchment and storage systems
Building community toilets and hand-washing stations
Providing vital health and hygiene training
Almost 3.9 million people in Africa and Haiti are benefiting daily from the almost 6,800 water projects Lifewater supporters have funded in the past 25 years. Each project is profiled at so people know the impact their support is having. And because Lifewater is led by volunteers and mostly part-time staff who work from their own homes, the registered charities overhead costs are consistently less than 10% of its donation income.
Lifewater’s strong focus on accountability and cost-control has been recognized by Charity Intelligence (, which monitors the performance of more than 800 Canadian charities. It has ranked Lifewater among the nation’s 10 most impactful charities for three consecutive years. That means supporters can donate with confidence.
So transform someone’s life today. Give to Lifewater Canada.
Ministry No. F1178
Program Countries: Liberia, Kenya, Nigeria, Haiti
Focuses: Community Development, Education, Evangelism, Health Care, Poverty Relief, Social Welfare
Team Lead: Dan Nickol, Vice-President, Lifewater Canada
Phone: 807-622-4848
Call our donations department toll free 1-855-573-8483 or local 1-719-428-3965
Office hours are 9am – 5pm (MST) Monday to Friday. (Office is closed on stat holidays)
Email – Please do not send credit card numbers via email.
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Since 2014, Friends of the Great Commission has enabled ministry partners to thrive by providing charity admin expertise and guidance while promoting collaboration in fulfilling the Great Commission.