Our objectives is to bring the good news of freedom through knowing Jesus to the tribes of the Omo Valley, thus promoting peace and reducing Mingi deaths. Life Hope Church's(Yehiwot Tesfa Betechristian) purpose and activity will be based on nurturing the spiritual physical life of all people with the principle of "Serving all of humanity" and will include the following services.Keeping the pure gospel teaching and doing the holy mysteries well (Eph. 4:5-6) We build peace and freedom in the Omo Valley through helping youth hear and live out the good news of Jesus Christ, thus reducing Mingi deaths. We strongly affirm the ministry of the priesthood as expressed by Peter in 1 Peter 2:9. A peaceful heart and spirit are part of being in God's family: Matt 5:9 "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called We plan and lead conferences for the youth of the Omo Valley with the purpose of training Christian Youth to go into their tribe and region to share the good news of Jesus.
Conflict is common in the Omo Valley. Conflict among tribes in the Omo Valley and often results in death. Mingi, the killing of infants and young children believed to be cursed, is still practiced in several tribes. Ancestor and spirit worship keeps people in bondage and darkness. Conflict between elders and parents can erupt over Mingi children. People are afraid that evil spirits will attack them. They perform offering after offering trying to appease the spirits who they believe may be angry with them. We have been instrumental in bringing peace between some of the tribes through peace conferences. We have also been able to reduce the number of babies and children killed due to the practice of Mingi. However, we know that true change - a value for life and peace - comes through knowing Jesus Christ. Freedom from fear of evil spirits comes when Jesus is known as king and Lord.
Our goal is to plant 50 churches in the next 10 years. Our goal is to train a young believer to preach the good news of Jesus to their people. This discipleship program promotes peace. Our goal is to train 100 youths this year and we also plan to make 1000 disciples in the Omo Valley Ethiopian tribes. Our mission is to reach youth with the good news of Jesus, to disciple them into evangelists and leaders, and to send them out to reach their fellow tribespeople. In this way, true life and peace can come to the Omo Valley.
Current projects or activities: Activity: Youth Peace Conference , Evangelism and Discipleship:-Pastor Lale Labuko and his team are going around the Omo Valley tribes preaching the good news and encouraging the nations with the Holy Spirit.
Young people with an evangelical mission can train 100-150 young people every year in the 16 tribes and mobilize the people to follow Christ Jesus. The goal is to reach the gospel to the 16 Omo valley tribes such as Kara,Mursi, Dasanach, Hamer, Nyangatom, Murle, Aari,Banna, Bodi, Malle, Bacha, Tsemay, Arbore, Dime, Kwegu, Birayile so that they know Jesus and make 1000 disciples in 10 years. We will plant 25 churches in the coming years.
Pastor, Lale Labuko and his wife Gido Sura brings young people together through peace conferences and Bible studies in order to heal the inner heart and mind from dark practices and to break generational curses, through the power of Jesus Christ. Healing the minds and hearts of the tribal people will help them love the Mingi children and to fear God, not the harmful practices of their own people. Proverbs 24:11 “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter”.
Our goal Sponsor a Peace Conference: A gift of $1500 allows us to plan and lead one peace conference. One peace conference can change and save hundreds of lives by stopping fighting between tribes and by lessening the practice of Mingi. Life Hope Church is to train 100 young people this year.
Build A Church Building: A church building give local believers a place to meet, worship, and train. Your donation of $12,500 will build a church building in an Omo Valley tribe.
Support Lale and His Family Monthly
Ministry No. F1493
Program Countries: Ethiopia, Afghanistan
Focuses: Children's Ministry, Construction & Infrastructure, Discipleship, Education, Youth Ministry
Website: https://lalelabuko.org/mission
Team Lead: Pastor Lale Labuko & Mrs. Gido Sure
Team Members: Gido Sura Addis Lale Sara Tariku Haile Beyene Milkias Belachew Pastor Eysau Goliki Yehun Admasu Lukas Girta
Email: lalelabuko@yahoo.com
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Since 2014, Friends of the Great Commission has enabled ministry partners to thrive by providing charity admin expertise and guidance while promoting collaboration in fulfilling the Great Commission.