About This Partner

Global Film Project (GFP) is a ministry creating powerful, true-to-life films and media content that provides a culturally-sensitive Christian witness to international audiences.

GFP has created several award-winning, live-action short films filmed on location in the Middle East and Los Angeles. Each film has been broadcast to over 30 million viewers on satellite TV networks throughout North Africa and Middle Eastern countries and beyond. Global Film Project's most recent production has been screened to over 100,000 Syrian youth living in refugee camps throughout the Middle East with follow-up by local Christian workers. In addition to TV broadcasts and personal screenings, each film is distributed on media platforms where many millions more viewers are reached with a culturally appropriate gospel witness.

FGC #F1177

Program Countries: Global

Focuses: Children's Ministry, Christian Education, Church, Community Development, Discipleship, Education, Evangelism, Film, Film Production, Media, Missionary/Missions Training, Anti-Trafficking, Women's Ministry, Youth Programs

Team Lead: Joel VanderSpek

Global Film Project logo
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