Into The Light Ministries produces resources on biblical sexuality for churches and families. We exist to see a generation of Christians who delight in God's good design for sexuality and are equipped to face pornography, gender confusion, and sexual sin. The best explanation of what we do is why we do it. The Devil has been attacking God's good design for sexuality since the fall. But today, he weaponizes technology like we have never seen before.
In 2024, an eight-year-old can pull out their phone and instantly access millions of videos of graphic sex. In 2024, every parent has to be a counselor, addictions expert, and technologist to face the multi-billion dollar porn industry actively pursuing their families.
So what do we need? We need a clear understanding of God's design for sexuality. We need compelling resources for a generation that doesn't read. We need gospel-centered counseling tools for the local church.
That is what we do. Would you consider partnering with us in this work?
Call our donations department toll free 1-855-573-8483 or local 1-719-428-3965
Office hours are 9am – 5pm (MST) Monday to Friday. (Office is closed on stat holidays)
Email – Please do not send credit card numbers via email.
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Since 2014, Friends of the Great Commission has enabled ministry partners to thrive by providing charity admin expertise and guidance while promoting collaboration in fulfilling the Great Commission.