The Master’s Foundation is an interdenominational registered charity that is committed to helping and serving the people of Ukraine. Masters seeks to exemplify Christian compassion by providing aid to vulnerable people – orphans, children, elderly, focusing on their real-life needs – the spiritual, physical, economic, and social.
In it’s just over 23 years of independence, Ukraine has spent a third of it at war with its neighbor who does not recognize Ukraine’s sovereignty and it’s right to exist. The attack in Feb 2022 to the present time, created a monumental crisis. Millions of refugees, annihilated villages and cities, destruction of critical infrastructure, massive ecological disasters, thousands of amputees, and the complete disruption of normal life as civilians are under constant alert and attack – this is present day Ukraine!
While we have aided Ukraine since 1983, the current war situation has shifted our focus to providing immediate relief to those in crises (especially families). Children’s programs are also a priority as this vulnerable element of society copes with the stresses of war. The psychological impact of living near death, destruction, and fear, leaves lasting emotional damage, especially for children. Programs like The Children of Victory, Art Therapy, Day Camps, and planned Summer Camps aim to help heal the children and let them know that they are loved.
Help us to bring hope and healing, to restore and rebuild broken lives, and to encourage the people to turn to and trust God.
Ministry No. F1459
Program Countries: Ukraine
Focuses: Education, Evangelism, Prison Ministry, Special Needs, University Campus Ministry, Youth Ministry
Team Lead: Master's Canadian Board of Directors
Call our donations department toll free 1-855-573-8483 or local 1-719-428-3965
Office hours are 9am – 5pm (MST) Monday to Friday. (Office is closed on stat holidays)
Email – Please do not send credit card numbers via email.
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Since 2014, Friends of the Great Commission has enabled ministry partners to thrive by providing charity admin expertise and guidance while promoting collaboration in fulfilling the Great Commission.