The Great Commission Foundation is a team of skilled administrative and accounting personnel dedicated to using their talents and expertise to enable people to follow God's calling to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. Fill out the form to contact us about becoming a project.
We have projects working all around the world: while each one has a unique ministry, the ultimate goal for all our projects is to fulfill The Great Commission of Jesus Christ
Going Farther is a not-for-profit charitable organization founded and fueled with the vision to; IGNITE hearts with hope, EMPOWER the wounded, EQUIP the willing.
Speaking at churches about India Gospel Outreach, IGO has three colleges and 13 Bible training centers in India to teach people to be pastors and evangelists.
Church Ministries International is a catalyst for forming dynamic, gospel-centered church planting movements in major urban centers of Latin America.
You can be involved with a global project through prayer, giving, and serving.
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Contact us - we’d love to help!
Since 2002, The Great Commission Foundation has enabled ministry projects to thrive by providing charity admin expertise and guidance while promoting collaboration in fulfilling the Great Commission.