How to Manage Conflict Positively and Effectively in Ministry Teams
Chad interviews Ron Kraybill on managing conflict positively and effectively in ministry teams.
Advice to those who are contemplating, or wanting to thrive in, a ministry assignment in another country
Cross-cultural workers face some incredibly difficult hurdles in their ministry deployments overseas.
Creating a safe space for the return of Cross-Cultural Workers
Chad interviews Paul Dyck about the difficulties faced by cross-cultural ministry workers and their families returning to their passport countries.
Providing “Member Care” to Cross-Cultural Workers
Chad interviews Paul Dyck about the difficulties faced by cross-cultural ministry workers and their families returning to their passport countries.
3 Characteristics of Successful Fundraisers
Fundraising coach Judy Friesen outlines 3 characteristics of successful fundraisers
How to help Cross-Cultural Workers reintegrate into their passport country
Paul describes how to help Cross-Cultural Workers reintegrate into their passport country.
Understanding the difficulties faced by cross-cultural ministry workers
Paul outlines some of the resources available to cross-cultural ministries.
Serving Together Webinar #8 with Matt Cline
The Great Commission Foundation’s “Serving Together Series — Perspectives to Help Ministry Thrive”
Serving Together Webinar #7 with Dave Blundell
The Great Commission Foundation’s “Serving Together Series — Perspectives to Help Ministry Thrive”
Serving Together Webinar #6 with Dave Blundell
The Great Commission Foundation’s “Serving Together Series — Perspectives to Help Ministry Thrive”
Serving Together Webinar #5 with Timothy Morgan
The Great Commission Foundation’s “Serving Together Series — Perspectives to Help Ministry Thrive”
Serving Together Webinar #4 with Timothy Morgan
The Great Commission Foundation’s “Serving Together Series — Perspectives to Help Ministry Thrive”
Serving Together Webinar #3 with Larry Snyder
The Great Commission Foundation’s “Serving Together Series — Perspectives to Help Ministry Thrive”
Serving Together Webinar #2 with Larry Snyder
The Great Commission Foundation’s “Serving Together Series — Perspectives to Help Ministry Thrive”
Serving Together Webinar #1 with Stuart Rempel
The Great Commission Foundation’s “Serving Together Series — Perspectives to Help Ministry Thrive”

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Since 2002, The Great Commission Foundation has enabled ministry projects to thrive by providing charity admin expertise and guidance while promoting collaboration in fulfilling the Great Commission.

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