Child Support Ministries Africa - COVID-19 Crisis Update

In Uganda, the government declared a total lock-down due to the Corona Virus outbreak in March 2020.  All schools, businesses, public transport, and all non-essential public and privates services were suspended and people are asked to stay at their homes.   Once all schools were closed, all the children came back to our Child Support Centre in Kampala.  This means that we must provide extra hand washing cisterns, soap, sanitizers, masks, and medication, and a daily healthy diet to keep them safe.  Some of the children and youth who live with HIV/AIDS are most at risk since they have pre-existing conditions that make them more susceptible to COVID-19, and so they need extra care and protective measures to keep them safe.Child Support Ministries Africa (CSMA) is a not-for-profit organization that cares for orphans and vulnerable children, youth, and poor widows in Uganda.  We serve all vulnerable children and youth from poor communities without discrimination. CSMA works to meet the physical, educational, spiritual, medical, social, psychological and emotional needs of vulnerable children and youth through the provision of shelter for the homeless children, education and vocational skills, feeding program, medical care, counseling and psycho-social support of orphans, vulnerable children and youth in Uganda. We ask for your continued prayers for the safety and health of the children and youth here.

Urgent Needs

Although the Ugandan government, Uganda Red Cross, and other humanitarian agencies are trying to distribute some basic food to affected families, the amount of food ration is too little and it is only being distributed in selected parts of the Kampala city, and to a few selected families. In normal circumstances, children usually attend boarding schools and have their meals and medical care is taken care of at school.But with the lock-down in place in the entire country of Uganda, the children are now back in our Child Support Centre facilities and we are responsible to provide them with daily healthy meals and other basic supplies for keeping them safe during the period of the COVID-19  lock-down. We can not be certain of the duration of the lockdown will be lifted. We are not sure how long this will go on for now, and we are not sure how long schools will remain closed, but we are approximating a period of three months.  Child Support Ministries Africa is appealing for humanitarian support to help provide food, nutrition and basic supplies and medication for the children during this time of Corona Virus lock-down in Uganda.

Thank You For Your Prayers & Support

Child Support Ministries Africa is targeting to raise US $9,000.00 to provide food, nutrition, and medical care for 50 children and youth for a period of 3 months, during the COVID -19 lock-down period in Kampala, Uganda.   The funds will be used for purchasing food, extra hand washing containers, soap, sanitizers, masks, toiletries, medication, and to provide a daily healthy diet to keep the children safe.We are estimating the cost per child @ US$2 for one child per day, x 50 children = US$100 per day, x 30 days = US$3,000 per month. We are estimating that the lock-down period will most likely last for a period of 3 months.  Thus, 3,000 x 3 months = US$9,000.00.   Child Support Ministries Africa is appealing for humanitarian assistance to meet this need.We thank you for your unceasing prayers, moral and financial support as we go through this unprecedented and challenging time. Thank you and God bless you all.PC9icj4=Learn More About Our MinistryPC9icj4=USA DONORS CLICK HEREPC9icj4=PC9icj4=

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