Since 2011 we have been working alongside locals on the island of La Gonâve, 25 km off the coast of mainland Haiti. There are currently 175 children relying on PiFò Haiti’s Food Program as well as 500 students and teachers who receive and provide quality education in 4 different schools. Our focus is to help local leaders create a sustainable future in their community through education and development programs. For most of the students, the one meal they receive at school is the only meal they will eat all day. This program is an integral part of what PiFò Haiti does in the community.On March 19th, the Haitian government released a mandate that all schools be closed due to the Covid-19 Crisis. PiFò Haiti has been able to make adjustments to the program and will continue to provide meals to the students for as long as we can. The logistics of traveling to the mainland has been severely impacted by the pandemic, cutting off our co-workers from desperately needed supplies. The cost of food has more than tripled in the last few months making it unaffordable for many on the island.
$135.00 | High School Student's Textbooks For One Year |
$260.00 | Elementary Student's School Costs For One Year |
$800.00 | Full Year Of Canteen Snacks For A Mountain School |
$1,100.00 | Post Secondary Student's Cost For Government Accredited Teaching Certificate Program |
$2,000.00 | Feed 150 Students Lunch For One Year |
$2,700.00 | Agriculture Training And Employment For Seven Young People |
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Since 2002, The Great Commission Foundation has enabled ministry projects to thrive by providing charity admin expertise and guidance while promoting collaboration in fulfilling the Great Commission.