Word Made Flesh Canada-Sierra Leone - COVID-19 Crisis Update
Word Made Flesh Sierra Leone is an organization that seeks to love, serve, and accompany vulnerable children and families in the Kroo Bay neighborhood of Freetown, Sierra Leone. We have been working with the community of Kroo Bay (home to around 20,000 people) for 17 years, providing mentorship to children and youth, discipleship, tutoring, women’s ministry, disaster relief, and medical assistance. A few years ago, Sierra Leone experienced the Ebola epidemic, and many families lost loved ones due to that. The community of Kroo Bay experienced a lot of tragedy during that time. The possibility of a COVID-19 outbreak in Kroo Bay has brought a lot of fear to the community, and since COVID-19 hit Sierra Leone on March 30, 2020, this fear has increased. Kroo Bay, and the children and youth that live there, are at an increased risk currently due to the government restrictions and implications resulting from COVID-19. Many of the families in Kroo Bay depend on market selling/trading for their livelihoods. There are currently restrictions in place at markets to combat the spread of COVID-19 in Sierra Leone, resulting in decreased earnings and increased food insecurity for the sellers/traders and their families. Kroo Bay is also a high-risk community for the transmission of COVID-19, due to close living conditions, and thereby, inability to social distance. The community of Kroo Bay trusts our organization due to our long-term investment in them.

Urgent Needs

We have had to put our normal programs on hold to follow government regulations, but our organization has still been working with the community during this time. We have an ongoing COVID-19 Response Sensitization Project that is providing handwashing stations and information regarding prevention to the community. We recently started our Food Security Project, in response to the growing need for food, and high risk of starvation in Kroo Bay. We have been providing take-away rice meals to the children and youth in our community 4 times a week, and this specific project will be ongoing for at least the next 2 months. We are planning for the provision of emergency food prior to a lockdown should this occur at any point in the near future. Please be praying for the vulnerable children and youth in Kroo Bay. We have been seeing God move and provide in amazing ways during this time, and the resiliency of this community is so apparent. We, as a staff, have had the opportunity to share the love of Jesus and the hope we have through Him, especially during times like these.

Thank You For Your Prayers & Support

You have a chance to support us from Canada, the US, and the UK, in providing desperately needed food to vulnerable children and youth in the community of Kroo Bay, Freetown, Sierra Leone. Your gift can save lives and answer prayers in this community, which has been hard hit by the implications of COVID-19. Our goal is to raise $1500 CAD for the next two months so that we can continue to provide this life-saving food to the most vulnerable.Help us reach our goal. Donate Now.PC9icj4=Learn More About Our MinistryPC9icj4=PC9icj4=PC9icj4=

Help Us Reach Our Goal


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