Kingdom Come - Mobilizing Students for Christ

The Christian church is witnessing a mass exodus of young people, with over 88% of students leaving the faith by the time they graduate from university or college. This alarming trend reveals a significant challenge: reaching students with the gospel during their most formative years. As secular influences grow stronger, the need to fortify students in their faith and engage them with a biblical worldview becomes more urgent than ever.

Kingdom Come is dedicated to addressing this crisis by helping students discover Jesus and empowering the next generation to advance the Kingdom of God. Focused on campus ministry across Canada, their mission is to spark movements of evangelism and discipleship, reaching students where they are most vulnerable to external influences. By sharing the gospel on campuses, Kingdom Come seeks to ensure students are grounded in their faith as they navigate the challenges of university life.

The importance of this mission cannot be overstated. Students are the future leaders of nations and industries, and Kingdom Come believes that if these young adults can be equipped to become lifelong disciple-makers, the potential impact for the Kingdom of God will be transformative. By inspiring students with a vision for world evangelization, Kingdom Come aims to win the campus for Christ today, with the hope of winning the world tomorrow.

Rooted in the legacy of Korea Campus Crusade for Christ and Power to Change, Kingdom Come was relaunched in 2019 under new leadership with a renewed focus on biblical faithfulness. They remain deeply committed to working alongside local churches, ensuring their teachings and practices align with the Word of God. By embracing the gospel as clarified by the Protestant Reformation and focusing on fulfilling the Great Commission, Kingdom Come seeks to mobilize students and inspire them to live out their Kingdom purpose.

Ministry Overview:

Kingdom Come is tackling the urgent crisis of faith among students by empowering the next generation to discover Jesus and advance the Kingdom of God. Focused on campus ministry across Canada, their mission is to ignite movements of evangelism and discipleship, reaching students at their most vulnerable stage, where secular influences are strongest. By sharing the gospel on campuses, Kingdom Come aims to ground students in their faith as they navigate the challenges of university life, recognizing that these students are the future leaders of nations and industries. If equipped to become lifelong disciple-makers with a vision for global evangelization, these young adults can have a transformative impact on the Kingdom of God.

Prayer Request:

Pray for Kingdom Come to reach more students and expand to new campuses, spreading the gospel and raising up disciple-makers, in Jesus' name.


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*You will receive an official Canadian tax receipt for all eligible donations by the end of February of the following year. Thank you for your support of the mission and programs of The Great Commission Foundation (“GCF”).

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Since 2002, The Great Commission Foundation has enabled ministry projects to thrive by providing charity admin expertise and guidance while promoting collaboration in fulfilling the Great Commission.

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