Lena Asdourian Zetelian - Empowering Christ-Centered Education in Spain

Children's education, rooted in a biblical worldview, plays a vital role in shaping their understanding of the world, their identity, and their purpose in life. It provides a foundation that aligns academic learning with the truths of Scripture, helping children develop a sense of morality, purpose, and responsibility. When children are taught through a biblical lens, they gain more than just knowledge—they are equipped with wisdom, discernment, and the ability to see life from God's perspective. This holistic approach to education nurtures not only their minds but also their hearts, empowering them to grow in faith, make ethical decisions, and use their gifts to impact the world for Christ.

Lena has been influencing and teaching the younger generation with a missionary approach, using her passion for Christ-centered education to guide children both spiritually and academically. Her journey began at the age of 19 when God stirred a deep faith within her heart. In 2013, she felt called to serve the youth in Spain, starting by learning the Spanish language to connect with the local community. Soon after, she began organizing children’s clubs and camps, experiencing the joy of guiding young minds and hearts toward Christ. In 2016, Lena became the director of Tesoros Escondidos, a bilingual Christian overnight summer camp, which further fueled her love for teaching and mentoring children in their faith.

With a growing passion for education, Lena discovered her gift for teaching in Christian schools. She now serves as a missionary-teacher at Evangelical Christian Academy (ECA) in Madrid, where she is dedicated to showing her students the love of Christ and leading them closer to Jesus. Her daily prayers for her students reflect her commitment to nurturing their God-given talents and helping them realize their potential in serving the Lord. Whether in the classroom or through personal guidance, Lena is devoted to shaping their spiritual journey and fostering a deep connection with their Creator.

As she continues her work at ECA, Lena’s influence extends beyond academics, impacting her students’ spiritual growth and relationship with Christ. Her dedication to both education and biblical discipleship is transforming lives, empowering the next generation to embrace their faith and use their talents for God’s glory. Lena remains steadfast in her mission to help each child grow closer to Jesus, knowing that her efforts are making a lasting difference.

Ministry Overview:

Lena has been passionately influencing the younger generation through a missionary approach that integrates Christ-centered education with spiritual mentorship. Her journey began at 19 when God deepened her faith and called her to serve youth in Spain. After learning Spanish, she organized children’s clubs and became the director of Tesoros Escondidos, a bilingual Christian summer camp. Now, as a missionary-teacher at Evangelical Christian Academy (ECA) in Madrid, Lena dedicates herself to guiding her students closer to Jesus through daily prayers and support. Her commitment to education and biblical discipleship empowers the next generation to embrace their faith and make a lasting impact on their spiritual growth.

Prayer Request:

Pray that God continues to empower Lena in her mission, using her passion to inspire and influence more children for His Kingdom.



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