About This Project

Crossing Cultures International (CCI) is leading the way in how cross-cultural missions are being done. By equipping and training indigenous pastors and church leaders through the local church, the culture remains unaltered as sound biblical knowledge is imparted through a discipleship relationship. CCI endeavors to equip indigenous church leaders with Biblical knowledge, ministry skills, and personal character in order to become participants in the Great Commission and not just recipients of the gospel.

According to the respected Lausanne Movement’s Covenant, the equipping of pastors is the greatest need in the church today. “More than 2.2 million pastoral leaders presently minister, while only 5% are trained for pastoral ministry,” according to the Center for the Study of Global Christianity. Thus, more than 2 million pastoral leaders need immediate strengthening.

Imagine if your pastor did not know what the Bible taught on various topics. Conversely, the Church worldwide is in dire straits without equipped shepherds.

While training pastors in India, many of them told me that many of the pastors in their area teach that believers need to do good works in order to keep their salvation instead of salvation by grace!! When the shepherds of the church are NOT equipped, they can and often do teach false doctrine, lead people astray, and not reach the community for Christ.

Why give to this project?

How may we quicken the pace of pastoral training everywhere and keep equipping and multiplying leaders globally? By making a substantial investment in CCI’s cost-effective mission to equip and multiply leaders globally!

We have a proven strategy. We have a comprehensive curriculum translated into most of the nations’ languages which is affordable, accessible, and reproducible – cost-effective. Further, we have a proven team ready to train.

Some of our main projects:
  • Equip, Empower & Evangelize - Help us continue our mission of making disciples of Christ by supporting a National Coordinator. We have recently added 61+ coordinators to our team. These coordinators play a crucial role in training and guiding CCI teachers, establishing new classes, and nurturing the growth of the ministry. However, with their addition, we need monthly support for travel and personal and ministry needs. 

  • Translation projects – This includes the translation of about 3,000 pages of CCI’s 12-course curriculum into local languages where pastors and church leaders are being trained. Most pastors do not have access to training materials in their own language. These 12 courses provide a sustainable discipleship model of training for the growing church in the following countries.

  • Pastor Library Project - Every year we print and order at least 10,000 training manuals. In every country, there are pastors who cannot afford to purchase a training manual. Many times, these training manuals and their Bible are the only library they have. A pastor’s library costs $100.

Prayer request:

We are praying that God will continue to use us to equip workers for the harvest who will preach the gospel, which has the power to transform lives, families, states, and nations!

Please join us in praying for the protection and safety of our national coordinators. Many of them reside in countries that persecute Christians.

Rejoice with us!

Rejoice with us!

Here is what the CCI team accomplished by God’s grace in 2023:

  • 997 new trainers (multipliers) were equipped to start new classes through 71 workshops

  • 176 new classes were started, with 2,337 new workers in training

  • 31 classes graduated, with 356 servants of the Lord trained & equipped to serve

  • 1,740 pastors and church leaders were equipped with biblical stewardship training

  • 776 church leaders were equipped with other training for effective ministry

  • 43 pastors were equipped with Advanced Expository Preaching to proclaim and teach God’s Word clearly and effectively

  • 202 staff, coordinators, teachers, and partners from 15 nations and over 20 people groups gathered in Chiang Mai, Thailand, for our 4th Global Conference!

GCF #1007

Program Countries: USA

Focuses: Leadership Development, Pastoral Care

Team Lead: Dr. David Nelson, President and Founder

Phone: 813-217-5077

Crossing Cultures International logo
Click here for information on giving by cheque or pre-authorized debit

*GCF operates on the basis of Donor-Advised Funding. It is our utmost goal to meet the Donor’s desire and intent to provide support to particular GCF projects but, ultimately, the responsibility for the disbursement and ministry use of funds is the Great Commission Foundation’s.

*You will receive an official Canadian tax receipt for all eligible donations by the end of February of the following year. Thank you for your support of the mission and programs of The Great Commission Foundation (“GCF”).

Need to update your contact or giving information?

Call our donations department toll free 1-855-488-7020 or local 1-604-960-2595 Ext. 425

Office hours are 7am – 4pm (PST) Monday to Friday. (GCF’s office is closed on stat holidays)

Email donations@gcfcanada.com – Please do not send credit card numbers via email.

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Since 2002, The Great Commission Foundation has enabled ministry projects to thrive by providing charity admin expertise and guidance while promoting collaboration in fulfilling the Great Commission.

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