About This Project

American writer and theologian Frederick Buechner once wrote, “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” I have experienced these words to be true to my life and calling. As I have traveled the world speaking on issues of faith for over fifteen years, my desire to present the beauty and attractiveness of Christ to questions of the human heart has not only grown but has been affirmed by what many have called our “post-everything culture.” Although the culture in which we live is seemingly tired, indifferent, or, in some cases, bothered by the Christian church, many have observed that we cannot deny a type of haunting of the transcendent. It’s as though the harder we try to avoid God, the more we run into him. 

Regardless of where we locate ourselves on the faith spectrum, we all have questions. My deep desire and sense of call is to be a voice of hope, light, truth, and kindness to the questions that people have about life, purpose, and God. I aim to do this through speaking, writing, and personal interaction. Perhaps now, more than in recent memory, our world is experiencing profound and rapid changes, and amidst these changes, we all sense a deep need for hope in difficult situations and light in darkness. This, in short, is what I believe God has called me to embody in the form of verbal and written communication.

What does this look like?

I have written the manuscript for a book called Short Answers to Life’s Biggest Questions, and I am in the process of working to have it published. I also work as a consultant to churches, schools, and other organizations on cultural matters and how the Christian perspective can meaningfully engage with them. I recently formulated a three-seminar series on “God and Gender: A Christian response" and have also just completed a six-session family devotional called “The Bible is For Real,” in which families are invited to explore the dynamic richness and trustworthiness of the Bible.

In addition to consultancy work via leading seminars and advising leadership teams I also serve as a guest speaker in church settings, conferences, youth groups, universities, and business groups. The contexts are diverse, but the aim remains the same: to present the beauty and attractiveness of Christ to a broken world.  

GCF #1324

Program Countries: USA

Focuses: Evangelism, Missionary/Missions Training, Pastoral Development, Pastoral Care

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