About this Project

YWAM St. Vincent and the Grenadines exists to “See Vincentian Youth Thrive.” We do this through daily discipleship, camps & retreats, weekly children/youth programs, education assistance and community development projects. Our staff families make it a point to open up their homes as safe places for children and youth to come fellowship, eat delicious food together, share openly about their struggles, learn and just have fun!

The youth of our nation are struggling with knowing their identity in Christ - many don’t even know what a real relationship with Jesus Christ looks like. This leads to dropping out of school prematurely, teenage pregnancy, dependance on drugs/alcohol and more. On July 1st 2024, Hurricane Beryl directly hit Mayreau, the island where YWAM SVG is located. It destroyed 90% of homes and now many youth feel traumatize, homeless, isolated and hopeless.

YWAM SVG is committed to providing relief assistance to the community of Mayreau while also rebuilding our ministries campus which was also devastated by the hurricane. We are sending teams each month until our staff get back on the ground full time to assist with rebuilding, distributing supplies, providing personal interaction and more. To do this, we are in need of finances to purchase building materials and relief supplies as well as to assist with the shipping of these supplies either from the USA or mainland St. Vincent.

Will you join us during this season as we step out in faith being the hands and feet of Jesus to an island and nation devastated by Hurricane Beryl? Will you join us in playing a part in seeing the youth of SVG encounter Jesus in new ways and seeing that their identity and hope can only be found in Him? Thank you!

GCF #1527

Program Countries: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Focuses: Youth Ministry, Children's Ministry

Team Lead: Ben & Jes Tangert

Team Members: KC & Kelsie Butterfield

Phone: 717-940-8213 784-494-5777 (SVG)

YWAM St. Vincent and the Grenadines logo
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*You will receive an official Canadian tax receipt for all eligible donations by the end of February of the following year. Thank you for your support of the mission and programs of The Great Commission Foundation (“GCF”).

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Since 2002, The Great Commission Foundation has enabled ministry projects to thrive by providing charity admin expertise and guidance while promoting collaboration in fulfilling the Great Commission.

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