Fulfilling the Great Commission through collaboration

We have projects all around the world. While each has a unique ministry, the ultimate goal for all our projects is to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. You can be involved with a project through prayer, giving, and serving.

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Collage of man worshipping, group of students, and man preaching with a bible
Local Church
Local Church is a non-denominational church reaching unbelievers with the gospel of Jesus. We offer Sunday...
Collage of people with their heads bowed
Lori Hartshorn Ministries
Lorie Hartshorn Ministries exists to create resources, including a weekly podcast, that reveal the...
Los Angeles Christian School
The Los Angeles Christian School equips and empowers young people to be the next generation of Christian...
Collage of man worshipping, group of students, and man preaching with a bible
Lost and Found International
Lost and Found ministries in Mexico include orphan work which includes a school, Bible schools, church...
Image of hands cupped together underneath running water
Love Does
We fight for human rights, care for the vulnerable, and provide education in conflict zones. We have...
Collage of man worshipping, group of students, and man preaching with a bible
Maadi Community Church
Maadi Community Church – MCC is an interdenominational ministry to expatriates for the purposes of...
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Mad Ministries (Making A Difference)
MAD Ministries’ (Making A Difference Ministries) purpose is assisting those in need with physical and...
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Malawi Orphanage
Tiyamike Mulungu Center, which is Chichewa for “Let us give thanks to God” was founded by Will and Pam...
Collage of humanitarian work
Manna 4 Life - K & L Knight
The Manna4Life founders and leadership team are a Christian couple, consisting of a local Cambodian woman,...
Maralee Dawn And Friends
Greetings in Jesus Name! As a renowned evangelist, Maralee Dawn has travelled in Canada and...
Collage of man worshipping, group of students, and man preaching with a bible
Marlin and Susan Kroeker
Marlin and Susan Kroeker have a passion for sharing the love of Jesus with the lost and to equip believers...
Collage of classroom, students and student writing on chalkboard
Mary Cho
This ministry is located in Freetown, Sierra Leone (West Africa) and focuses on the population who have...
Collage of man worshipping, group of students, and man preaching with a bible
Matthew And Janice Eckert
Having led in various capacities in the local church and engaged with a number of global church pastors/...
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Max And Lischa Woodley
Max and Lischa are serving in a rural area near the rapidly developing city of Gemena, in the North-West...
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Medical Mission Eswatini
Medical Mission Eswatini (MME) collaborates with partners to deliver strategically needed, high quality and...
Collage of people with their heads bowed
Mena Leadership Center
The mission of the MENA Leadership Center is to bridge leadership gaps and expand the capacity of Christian...
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Mercy Ministries Foundation
In 1981, the Lord gave the staff of Christian Happy Home a burden to care for the orphans of Thailand....
Collage of man worshipping, group of students, and man preaching with a bible
Mercy Outreach Ministries
Our mission is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in India and plant churches that will become centers...

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Since 2002, The Great Commission Foundation has enabled ministry projects to thrive by providing charity admin expertise and guidance while promoting collaboration in fulfilling the Great Commission.

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